Archivo de la categoría: His Mexican Sweetheart (1912)

His Mexican Sweetheart (1912)

Pathé FrèresEsta cinta de la Pathé se estrenó el 2 de marzo de 1912. La trama se desarrolla durante la guerra con Estados Unidos y tuvo una brevísima sinopsis — único dato sobre el film — en The Moving Picture World del 24 de febrero (Vol. XI, No. 8, p. 712):

HIS MEXICAN SWEETHEART (March 2).— A lieutenant, in the United States Army, in times of peace, falls in love with the a charming Mexican girl, whose father objects to the American’s attentions. This lieutenant, subsequently, when war has been declared between Mexico and the United States, is sent to spy on the Mexican fortifications, but he is seen, recognized and pursued. He finally reaches his sweetheart’s house, and she successfully hides him beneath the Mexican flag, which she is making. Later, he makes his escape, to the American lines, but he takes with him the lady of his choice, and they are married by the army chaplain.